Since 2009, the flamboyant Brussels baritone, theorbo-player, and harpsichordist Nicolas Achten and his baroque ensemble Scherzi Musicali have given us a number of fine, scintillating CDs.

Not to miss at Midi-Minimes: Scherzi Musicali
The latest came out just before the summer on the Ricercar label: a thematic project focusing on the Biblical figure of Mary Magdalene. Mary is a decidedly colourful saint, whose somewhat mysterious reputation – originally, she was reported to have been possessed by seven demons, but she also worked as a prostitute, and so on – has given her a rather distinctive position in the heavenly pantheon. For that very reason, she is ideally suited to the expression of strong, often contrasting emotions in painting, sculpture, theatre, and music. The second-last concert in this year's Midis-Minimes festival offers an opportunity to hear an unusual sepolcro, a kind of oratorio written specially for Holy Week.
30/8, 12.15, Koninklijk Conservatorium/Conservatoire Royal,
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