1589 THOT - THE BAND 2017 - 1 (by Gil Chevigne)

Brussels band THOT releases new album in Beursschouwburg


“The river that everything drags is known as violent, but nobody calls violent the margins that arrest her.” THOT frontman Grégoire Fray actually quoted Bertolt Brecht when he announced FLEUVE.

Twelve years after their debut, the Brussels band is staying cool in apocalyptic waters. Nine new tracks, each named after a European river or strait, alternate between the familiar industrial noise sound, mean postpunk/wave/goth exclamations, and darkly romantic reflections. At the same time, they defend the old continent by paying tribute to its mythology, its nature, and its women.

> THOT. 27/10, 21.15, Beursschouwburg, Brussels
> THOT. 16/11, 19.00, Botanique, Sint-Joost-ten-Node

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