Groovalizacion Radio is a global collective of DJs, journalists, and cultural activists whose podcasts highlight the latest worldwide trends in urban music.

DJ Makala
Grooving with DJ Makala
Also read: Groove Kilombo: Worldshake
For the first time, they are coming to Brussels with a party celebrating global sounds and urban grooves.
In addition to special guest DJ Makala aka Mister Global Funk from the Basque Country, four Belgian-based Groovalizacion Radio DJs will ensure that you have a sweltering night: Mukambo, Rebel Up, Bounty Radio, and Pedrolito Radioglobal!
> Groovalizacion Party BXL, 7/4, 22u. Collectif Au Quai
Read more about: Muziek , Groovalizacion Radio , DJ Makala , Au Quai
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