BRUZZ Open Air: Onda Sonora in Anderlecht


When temperatures rise, we turn up the volume. This summer, BRUZZ DJs will play records across Brussels, each Friday at a different location. It's BRUZZ Open Air: the new after-work concept to beat the heat and keep up with the good vibes. Discover who'll make you dance, week after week. On July 19th, it's the turn of DJs duo Onda Sonora.

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Onda Sonora in 5 questions:

  1. Favorite place in Brussels
    Somewhere quiet under a tree in a Brussels park with a l’Ermitage beer within reach.

  2. Dream DJ location
    We would like to play at a brewery for the resting barrels of beer. No people, just beer. Haha. People can later taste the effect our music had on the beer.

  3. What dish does your mom make the best?
    We don’t have the same mother. We don’t share our moms and definitely not their recipes.

  4. Where do you cool down on a hot summer day?
    At Les Brasseurs, in Boulevard Anspach. That’s also the place where we spend cold winter nights.

  5. Which DJ would you like to do a back-to-back or DJ-battle with?
    One DJ we love to put behind the turntables is Freddy Merckx. Eating dry sausage is the only thing he beats us in, but we are working on it.

What is Onda Sonora?

Hard to define in a few words, Onda Sonora is the result of the long-lasting partnership between Yoeri Bellemans and Bart Sibiel. Besides hosting the homonymous show every Tuesday at 9 p.m on BRUZZ radio, the two DJs and party organizers are, first and foremost, compulsive record collectors. Get to know their musical discoveries through their all-over-the-place DJ-sets. In every sense.

  • Friday, July 19th: Onda Sonora - Anderlecht - Zomer op het plein / Place à l'été

BRUZZ Open Air, July 5 > August 23, every Friday, several locations

BRUZZ Open Air

Every Friday from 6 to 9 p.m, a BRUZZ DJ at one of Brussels' apéro locations.

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Read more about: Anderlecht , Events & Festivals , Muziek

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