“Look at Me” is the second instalment of a trilogy about the relationship between photographic and moving images. This time, Argos is focusing on portraiture.

Second instalment of 'look at me' focuses on the portrait
The art film and video institute is juxtaposing audio-visual installations from its own collection with series of photos made during Contretype’s artists in residence programme, and is thus exploring various styles and methods of portraiture.
The exhibition features work by artists such as Dirk Braeckman, Philippe Herbet, Valérie Mannaerts, Hans Op de Beeck, Ria Pacquée, Shelly Silver, and Andreas Weinand. Don’t be surprised if it looks back at you just as penetratingly as you look at it.
Look at Me 27/1 > 28/4, Argos
Lees meer over: Brussel-Stad , Expo , Argos
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