Can you afford the collectible? Or do you collect the affordable? In all honesty, we’ve been so inundated with art fairs recently that we’re afraid of setting foot in another one with our money belt full of hard-earned euros.

Two art fairs land in Brussels
But you are of course welcome to out yourself as a contemporary design connoisseur at Collectible or to make your first and more modest purchase at the Affordable Art Fair. It is often said that money should move, whether it jingles or folds. So why not start your own collection and become a patron of the arts. Delve into your money belt!
COLLECTIBLE 14 > 17/3, Vanderborght Building
AFFORDABLE ART FAIR 15 > 17/3, Thurn/Tour & Taxis
Read more about: Brussel-Stad , Events & Festivals , Expo , Affordable Art Fair , Collectible , Vanderborghtgebouw , Thurn & Taxis
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