1665 Made in Scotland the tailor of inverness

Made in Scotland brings the Fringe Festival to Brussels


If you don’t go to the renowned Fringe Festival in Edinburgh, Scotland, it will come to you. Over four days, six celebrated Scottish productions will play at different locations in Brussels during Made in Scotland. And they are all – we’re only going to say it once – completely free!

You can book tickets to see The Tailor of Inverness by the award-winning author and performer Matthew Zajac, The Gospel according to Queen Jesus by Jo Clifford, and the Judy Garland covers by performance artist FK Alexander and noise-band Okishima Island Tourist Association. The Sint-­Gorikshallen/Halles Saint-Géry will be the festival’s main hub.

MADE IN SCOTLAND 11 > 14/6, various locations

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Read more about: Brussel , Podium , Fringe Festival , Made in Scotland , Sint-Gorikshallen

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