David Latinie en Laurent Lippens geven elkaar het jawoord in het Brussels. © Roelof Pantjes

First Gay Marriage in Brussels Dialect

Mathias Declercq
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On Saturady, the Town Hall of Koekelberg will celebrate a very special weeding. David Latinie and Laurent Lippens are the first gay couple that will get married in Brussels dialect. Former Alderman and real Brussels ketje Robert Delathouwer will be in charge.

Marriages in Brussels dialect are increasingly popular, according to the municipal authorities of Koekelberg. Tomorrow's couple will be the first this year, but more are planned later on this year. Tomorrow's couple is the first gay couple that will get married in Brussels dialect, though, a first for Koekelberg.

Former alderman Robert Delathouwer, a real Brussels ketje will celebrate the wedding. “I'm the oldest municipal councillor so I'm allowed”, says Delathouwer. “I'm really looking forward to it. This wedding will be the most beautiful day of their life so I can make an effort to do it in Brussels dialect. Even I got married in Brussels dialect.”


Groom-to-be David Latinie has his reasons to ask for a wedding celebration in Brussels dialect. “My whole family has always lived in Brussels, the city is in our veins. It's also a great wymbol for my partner. This way, he can honor his godmother who always spoke to him in Brussels dialect.”

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