“‘You have to photograph the soul of Brussels,’ someone wrote to me. I love the word ‘soul’ and, when I think of it, I see red, I see blood, I think alive, and I imagine what is inside it and what makes it live. An interplay of outer and inner, the invisible and the flesh. In a train taking me back to Brussels, I draw the curtains. The light shines through the red fabric. Stopped at Noordstation/Gare du Nord, I find myself alone in the train car. I photograph the shaft of light and the answer to following my instructions comes to me. Red. If the souls of cities have a colour, it’s red. Black would certainly have been an option, but for Brussels, it would be red, definitely red.”

About Sandrine Lopez

Sandrine Lopez (1982, France) uses photography and video to explore her obsessions, her fears, and her deepest fascinations. Following the release of her first book Moshé, she presents her hallucinatory new series Arkhê at the Musée de la Photographie in Charleroi, starting on 28 September.


In the Framed series, a different Brussels-based photographer captures the city in four photographs every month.

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