The twelve-year-old Binti and her Congolese father are threatened with deportation. They find refuge in the Flemish outskirts of Brussels with the eleven-year-old Elias. Binti’s plan is simple: matchmaking her father with his mother.

Regisseur Frederike Migom houdt met Binti het bij de essentie: niemand is illegaal.
Binti is so much fun that you almost don’t dare to mention its flaws. The atmosphere is great, in part thanks to the score by Le Motel. The performance pleasure of the four leads makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
Frederike Migom doesn’t bore you with details about the asylum procedure, she sticks to the essence of the story: not having the right papers does not mean that you do not exist.
Binti is a genuine hero.
Read more about: Brussel , Film , Binti , Frederike Migom , Film van de week
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