For a quarter of a century, Cinema Nova has been enriching the Brussels cinema scene with its singularity, commitment and disobedience. Looking at the first film programme since that 25th anniversary, this is not about to change. “...And City for All” deals with gentrification.

© RV
| 'Stanlingrad, avec ou sans nous'.
Cinema Nova tackles gentrification in new film programme
On the agenda are four films with a unique look at the phenomenon – where original inhabitants are pushed out by richer people – in Washington, Portland, and the imaginary city of Checkford. Stalingrad avec ou sans nous? is a film by and with the people who live between Brussels South and Rouppeplein, where excavators and cranes are preparing the new Toots Thielemans metro station. To whose benefit?
28/1 > 20/2, Cinema Nova
Read more about: Film , Events & Festivals , Cinema Nova , Stalingradwijk , gentrificatie