Universum Film AG – or UFA for short – was the renowned German film studio where cinematic milestones like Metropolis and Der blaue Engel were made during the Interbellum. During the UFA Film Nights at Bozar, film classics will be enveloped in contemporary finery thanks to new soundtracks that will be performed live.
UFA Film Nights in Bozar
The link between the films being screened and the legendary studio might not always be very clear. However our favourite this edition is Louis Feuillade’s 1915 film Les vampires, in which gang leader Irma Vep, dressed in a cat suit and accompanied by the equally mysterious electronica artist Arandel, beats the living daylights out of you.
UFA FILM NIGHTS 20 > 22/9, Bozar
Read more about: Brussel-Stad , Film , Bozar , UFA Film Nights
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