Long before Generation Z there was Generation X, of which the American author-provocateur Bret Easton Ellis was one of the literary leaders.

© Yannick Sas
Bret Easton Ellis does Bozar
Cult novels like Less Than Zero and American Psycho sketch a degraded, socially handicapped, nihilistic, and sometimes dangerously derailed generation that is only interested in partying, coke, sex, Armani suits, and a job on Wall Street.
At that time, Donald Trump was still just an idol of Ellis’s characters, now he is their president. So it is high time to shed some new light on our hysterical world.
Ellis does this in his new essay collection White, and he will be coming to do the same at Bozar.
Read more about: Brussel , Expo , bret easton ellis , Bozar , Literatuur
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